Why Kentucky Trailer?


Imagine a company where, from the plant floor to the board room, every employee feels a sense of pride in the products the company makes and the people who make them. A company where employees are passionate about their work and engaged in the culture around them. A place where service to others comes first, regardless of your job description. Where employees enjoy coming to work because they feel valued and empowered to make a difference. Because they do, every day.

Kentucky Trailer. What We Make Matters.™

  • Marmon Transportation Group


    In 2023, Kentucky Trailer became a subsidiary of Marmon Holdings, a Berkshire Hathaway company. Kentucky Trailer joined Marmon’s Transportation Products Group which serves the global automotive, aerospace, and heavy-duty highway transportation markets. 

    Explore our Open Positions

  • female welder doing welding work; located in Michigan

    Our Locations

    Kentucky Trailer, headquarted in Louisville, Kentucky, is dedicated to leading the way in design and manufacturing of speciality and custom trailers.  We serve industries ranging from the medical field to national defense; and have divisions across the United States, including Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and California.

    Explore Our Divisions to learn more about what Kentucky Trailer has to offer.

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